Susan Rardon
Rose, Ph.D.
For more than twenty years, I've been writing, speaking, lecturing, and helping students, counselors, and others. By utilizing counseling and mental health strategies to help people, I provide practical life-enhancing tools, motivation, and steps towards a fulfilled, joyous life. Now, I am moving into a new adventure to use these skills to help other widows and widowers going through the painful journey of living without the their other half.
Stress is an integral part of the grief experience. This session will identify the specific stressors of your unique grief as we all grieve differently, discuss ways to prevent stress and show ways to take care of yourself.
This experience has taught me how important Bob's planning for my future was. So, this session will focus on the importance of a living will, life insurance, and estate planning.
This session will focus on meditation and breathing, bibliotherapy and many other strategies and tools to sit with your grief long enough to heal but not long enough to fall victim to it.
As we move through the ebb and flow of living without our soulmate, just moving throughout our days sometimes feels like work. This session will focus on taking that next step and using time to intentionally work through the pain.
In order to relieve themselves of the discomfort that is grief, so many keep telling us that we're strong. This session focuses on using that strength for good (even though we never really wanted to be this strong).
We will craft workshops and sessions specific to your needs. Simply contact us.
We continue to build programs as needed by schools and districts, so offerings continue to build.
In Fall and Winter 2020, it felt as if just getting out of bed was an accomplishment. My world had completely crumbled, but the earth kept spinning on its axis and people carried about their daily routine as if nothing had happened.
And, it appeared that others felt as if I should get about the business of "moving on" at a faster rate. But, it had only been days and weeks. It took me a while to learn that baby steps are fine. And, it's even okay to dance a bit - go forward, then back, etc.
Just keep moving!
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